
Eco-lo-gic, a term that is used very often. What do we at ReinZeit mean by this?

Ecology for us is: The interrelationships between all living things, in our case us humans and our close environment. Our close environment is the sphere of action in which every human being sets his “footprints”. This is exactly where we want to start with ReinZeit and help you make a positive contribution very simply and easily.

Environmental protection

Environmental protection and social responsibility are key issues for us. We would like to protect “our environment” together with you. This world is not far away, it is even very close and has a direct influence on ourselves! Our environment begins at home.

When using ReinZeit quality products, your home turns into a chemical-free zone! Pure, clear water is your cleaning agent from now on.

Social responsibility

For us, social responsibility begins with the company location. We are committed to Austria, produce as much as possible our products here locally with the highest quality and involve social organizations in this process.

A meaningful occupation

We give meaningful employment to people who are like you. Above all, we help women who are going through difficult phases in their careers to achieve greater independence. If you are looking for a second or main job and want to earn money independently and self-determined, then you are at the right address at ReinZeit.


ReinZeit is oriented as a social production and sales organization. Of course, we also have to make profits to ensure the company’s continued existence. This benefits not only everyone employed by ReinZeit, but also many organizations and associations that we can support with small or larger contributions.

Our philosophy

A perfectly coordinated team of very many people makes it possible to create ReinZeit products.

History of ReinZeit

With the founding of ReinZeit, two dreams came true. On the one hand, to maintain and further expand the product lines that have been built up over many years.

Your ReinZeit-Team