Strengthen yourself

for support with allergies


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ReinZeit product tips

ÖLE: Lavender Hybride Grosso (controlled organic cultivation), cypress, cedar wood, manuka, tarragon and basil


There are many different external influences, e.g. pollen count, which the body cannot cope with when its immune system is weakened. A constantly flowing nose and watery eyes give a feeling of dejection. Manuka oil is a real protective oil and offers stability. Together with cypress and cedar wood, this wonderful oil blend becomes a real powerhouse. Your cells are reactivated, your defences strengthened, the mucous membrane can regenerate and thus you become more resistant. After just a short time, you simply feel better and also get a good night's rest. Prolonged use protects preventively all year round and has already brought great relief to many allergy sufferers.
In the living room, bedroom, workplace to provide relief during pollen counts and allergy times.
It is advisable to start with the preventive application before the first pollen count. With longer and timely application, the allergy symptoms are significantly reduced. Long-term use has a preventive effect and provides relief for a wide range of allergies.