Air Care

for fresh rooms


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ReinZeit product tips

ÖLE: Clove, Thyme, Lavender Hybride Grosso (certified organic), Eucalyptus, Menthol, Origanum and Savory


Is there anything better when you come home after a hard day at work or a long drive and you can finally breathe in fresh and purified air? Thyme and menthol will open your airways and you will immediately feel how clean the air at home is. Even if you have smoked before or have pets at home, Air Care gives you an oasis of well-being. The special properties of clove, origanum and savory promote your body's own defences and also reduce germs and bacteria in the air. This gives you and your family double the benefit of being spared contagious diseases. Once you have experienced for yourself how valuable this Öl is in flu season, in sick rooms or Büros, you and especially äolder people will never want to do without this fläschchen again.
In sickrooms, offices, when keeping pets, in times of flu and everywhere where the body's defences should be supported. Burnt odours are neutralised very quickly.