
Payment & Shipping

5. Terms of payment

5.1 Payment on our online site is due in advance without deduction.

5.2. You will receive the invoice for the delivered goods by the same mail as the goods.

5.3. The payment of the goods is possible with eps, PayPal or credit card.

5.4. Shipping costs to Austria: € 6,- / free for orders over € 80,-
Shipping costs to Germany: € 12,- up to an order value of € 80,- / € 6-, from an order value of € 80,-
Shipping costs to other countries: € 15,-

6. Delivery and retention of title

6.1. We deliver our goods to the specified delivery address. The delivery time is up to 10 days.

6.2. The delivery of the ordered goods is carried out by transport and/or postal companies commissioned by ReinZeit, such as GLS or DPD.

6.3. Until full payment of the purchase price, the delivered goods remain our property.

6.4. All prices stated on our website are inclusive of VAT.

6.5. Information according to § 5c KSchG:

a) ReinZeit Handels GmbH. is a company registered under FN 226809v in the commercial register of the Linz Regional Court with its registered office in Neuhofen and the business address Teichweg 2, 4501 Neuhofen an der Krems.

b) The essential characteristics of the goods, the price including all taxes, any delivery costs, the details of payment and delivery or fulfillment can be found on our website

c) The consumer has a right of withdrawal according to § 5e KSchG (see point 7. Right of withdrawal).

d) Costs for the use of a means of remote communication shall not be charged separately, provided they are charged according to the basic tariff.

e) For the period of validity of offers or prices, please refer to our website

Your ReinZeit-Team