Sleep well

for the best sleep


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ReinZeit product tips

ÖLE: Lavender Hybride Grosso (controlled organic cultivation), Swiss Pine, Ylang Ylang and Sandalwood


Calm, relaxed sleep is the most important thing for the recovery and regeneration of our body after a busy day. Often there are too many thoughts, impressions and tensions that prevent us from falling asleep. A little extra with this blend: masks avoid the scent of lavender and stone pine!

Swiss stone pine inspires with its multifaceted effectiveness and is an excellent air purifier. It clears not only the air but also the mind and thoughts. Body, mind and soul are positively strengthened and activated.
For tension, insomnia, irritability, depressive moods, imbalance, anxiety, panic attacks, heart palpitations, nervous exhaustion, stress. Helps very well with insomnia.